'It's an absurd waste of time': Donald Trump blasts campaign to ban him from Britain and says 'self-serving' MPs should concentrate on the UK's real problems 

Fighting back: Donald Trump today said the decision by MPs to debate whether he should be banned from Britain is 'absurd' and a 'waste of precious time'
  • British Parliament is to debate whether Trump should be banned from UK
  • 570,000 signed petition after tycoon said UK has 'massive Muslim problem'
  • Donald Trump calls debate 'absurd' and says MPs do not speak for Britain
  • Billionaire described 'no go zones' in the UK where police 'feared for lives'
  • Mr Trump called a 'hate preacher' but he says 'UK should be thanking me' 
  • Home Secretary Theresa May has the power to ban people from Britain 
Donald Trump today called the campaign to ban him from Britain 'an absurd waste of time' and blasted 'self-serving' MPs for failing to focus on the UK's real problems.
More than 570,000 people signed a petition calling for the billionaire to be barred from the UK after he said Britain has a 'massive Muslim problem' and police 'fear for their lives' in 'radicalised' areas.
Muslim MP Tulip Siddiq says she will 'tear to shreds' Donald Trump when MPs discuss banning hiom from the UK today
The mogul, who says critical MPs are 'pandering to political correctness', also wants a 'total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States'.
Campaigners have called on Home Secretary Theresa May to ban him as a 'hate preacher', but Mr Trump today said the 'vast majority of British people' do not agree.
And ahead of today's Westminster Hall debate, sparked by Britain's most popular ever petition, Mr Trump said: 'It is absurd that valuable parliamentary time is being wasted debating a matter raised as part of the American Presidential election. 

Fighting back: Donald Trump today said the decision by MPs to debate whether he should be banned from Britain is 'absurd' and a 'waste of precious time'
'For the UK to consider banning someone who made a statement in America, about American borders during a US election campaign is ridiculous. 
'Westminster is creating a dangerous precedent on this issue and is sending a terrible message to the world. 
'The individuals who instigated this ban have a self-serving personal agenda and do not represent the views or interests of the vast majority of British people'
The American Republican presidential hopeful again threatened to pull £700million of funding out of two of his Scottish golf courses, when his cash has 'never been more needed'.
Speaking on his behalf Sarah Malone, executive vice president of Trump International Golf Links in Scotland, said: 'Any attempt at a ban of this kind would force Mr Trump to abandon his plans for a further £700 million investment. With the collapse of the oil price, the investment in Aberdeen has never been more important and Mr Trump is likely to spend more than he initially planned when the economy recovers.' 
A Muslim MP has today promised to 'tear to shreds' Donald Trump in a Westminster debate on whether to ban the billionaire from Britain. 
Tulip Siddiq, 33, told the Daily Telegraph: 'The Home Office has previous in banning hate preachers engaging in rhetoric similar to that of Trump. To argue there is no precedent for banning him does not stand up to decisions taken by this Home Secretary, or indeed previous Labour home secretaries. The real question is 'Why should we make an exception for billionaire politicians?' We should not.
'Those that argue his words are a joke or do not amount to inciting violence, need to take a closer look at the increase in anti-Muslim hate crimes in America since his comments'.

Muslim MP Tulip Siddiq says she will 'tear to shreds' Donald Trump when MPs discuss banning hiom from the UK today

Anger: Muslim MP Tulip Siddiq, left, says she will 'tear to shreds' Donald Trump when MPs discuss banning hiom from the UK today
Outrage: More than 570,000 people have signed the petition calling for Mr Trump to be banned from the UK, the most ever recorded on the government website

Outrage: More than 570,000 people have signed the petition calling for Mr Trump to be banned from the UK, the most ever recorded on the government website
Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh calls for Trump to be banned from UK
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The Republican frontrunner was branded 'obnoxious, repellent and dangerous' after claims over radicalisation in Britain in December.


Pick-up coach Julien Blanc
Pick-up coach Julien Blanc
November 2014: 'Pick up coach' Julien Blanc joined a short list of people banned from the UK in recent years. He runs a company that claims to teach men to seduce women and make them 'beg' for sex but was stopped from flying in to the UK for a 'bootcamp'.
Dieudonne M'Bala M'Bala
Dieudonne M'Bala M'Bala
February 2014: French celebrity Dieudonne M'bala M'bala was banned last year. The 'comedian', with convictions for inciting racial hatred, was at the centre of a Premier League anti-Semitism row. He said he would come to London to support then West Bromwich Albion striker Nicolas Anelka, who did a 'quenelle' salute.  But the Home Office decided he was not allowed into the country, adding him to Britain's banned list.
American blogger Pamela Geller
American blogger Pamela Geller
2013: Conservative American bloggers Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer were banned. They are the founders of the anti-Muslim group Stop Islamization of America and they run the website Jihad Watch. Both were planning on speaking at an English Defence League march in Woolwich, where Lee Rigby was murdered.
Far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders
Far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders
2009: Far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders was turned back at Heathrow as he tried to defy a ban on entering Britain. He was barred from the UK because he was likely to incite hatred and his visit a threat to 'community harmony and therefore public security'. He was seized by border guards after his aircraft touched down, and questioned for more than an hour before flying back to the Netherlands. 
American 'shock jock' radio presenter Michael Savage
American 'shock jock' radio presenter Michael Savage
2009: Controversial American 'shock jock' radio presenter Michael Savage was barred from entering the UK.  Savage said: 'You know, when I see a woman walking around with a burqa, I see a Nazi.' He has called the Koran 'a book of hate' and added that some Muslims, at least, 'need deportation'. The Right-wing radio presenter's hardline views on Islam, rape and autism have also caused outrage in the US.
He also called for a 'total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States' after the San Bernardino shooting in California carried out by married extremists. 
His words sparked an online petition to ban the US presidential, which became the most popular in British history and has given MPs the chance to debate it today.
But the tycoon remains defiant, accusing Britons of 'trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem' and said his critics are just 'pandering to political correctness'.
In a series of outbursts, the billionaire tycoon also said 'UK politicians should be thanking me' and has threatened to withdraw £700million of investment in Scotland if he is banned from Britain.
Former SNP leader Alex Salmond said last night: 'He wants to ban all Muslims from the United States. I want to ban all Donald Trumps from Scotland'.
SNP MP Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh said today she supported the ban even if Trump became president.
Mrs Ahmed-Sheikh said: 'If Donald Trump becomes President of the United States and seeks to enter the United Kingdom and doesn't withdraw his remarks about Muslims, absolutely my representations to Theresa May will not change.'
'Because he's made remarks against Muslims and inciting hatred, violence. Absolutely.'
Speaking about banning Trump, she told Good Morning Britain: 'Donald Trump would seek to ban people like me for doing absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever and indeed my family'.
MPs will debate calls to ban US presidential hopeful Donald Trump from Britain from 4.30pm and three hours have been allocated in Westminster Hall for the debate, which will be led by Labour's Paul Flynn.
The MP for Newport West said he intends to pay a 'heartfelt tribute' to the US as the 'home of democracy' and will seek to represent the 'anger of petitioners' over Mr Trump's views on Mexicans, Muslims, global warming and guns.
But Mr Flynn, writing ahead of the debate on his website, added: 'I will question whether a ban would be possible or perhaps counter-productive in bestowing victimhood on Mr Trump that could advantage him in the opinion of Americans.
'I will urge that we treat him with courtesy inviting him here to show us where the UK 'no-go' areas are for police, introducing him to centres of racial harmony in Wales and England, discussing our 24 deaths from gunshots per year compared with 160 this year (2016) in the US.
'A visit to the site of recent unprecedented areas of flooding in England might be useful and educational for Mr Trump, the global warming denier.'
Prime Minister David Cameron has also previously spoken against a ban while Cabinet minister Chris Grayling warned giving Mr Trump the 'oxygen of publicity' helps rather than hinders him.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is also not in favour of a ban, adding he wanted to take Mr Trump to a mosque.
The Islington North MP told BBC One's Andrew Marr show on Sunday: 'I think Donald Trump has some weird and frankly off-the-wall views.
'I was asked about this some while ago and I decided to invite Donald Trump on his visit to Britain to come with me to my constituency because he has problems with Mexicans and he has problems with Muslims.
Anger: British politicians have called for the Republican to be banned from Britain over his comments and his idea to ban Muslims entering America

Anger: British politicians have called for the Republican to be banned from Britain over his comments and his idea to ban Muslims entering America