
Devon teen wakes up on New Year's Day in a nursing home and live-Tweets his ordealStudent wakes up on New Year's Day in a nursing home with NO recollection of how he got there - then live-tweets his ordeal

Jonny Wilson (left), 18, from North Devon, inexplicably woke up in a residential home with friends on the morning of 1 January. He live-tweeted the ordeal in a series of posts that have since been liked and retweeted thousands of times, and says the experience has been 'a shock'. After waking up at around 9.45am, he tweeted: 'Oi help have I woken up in a nursing home??' with a series of photos (right) which appear to show a makeshift bed made from foot stools in a common room. His tweet has since been shared more than 17,000 times.

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