
Jeremy Corbyn's NUS supporter Shelly Asquith opposes Prevent strategyRevealed: Extremists tell students to sabotage government anti-terror drive - as Corbyn girl backs fanatics and says 'laws should be broken'

Key hard-Left figures in the National Union of Students - including Shelly Asquith (left), the NUS's vice-president for welfare - have been working closely with the notorious group CAGE to organise a string of events. Miss Asquith told students at one talk: 'The government has defined extremism in the Prevent strategy as vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values which is breaking the rule of law. Well, I think there are some laws that should be broken.' Miss Asquith shared a stage with Jeremy Corbyn (right) in August last year as he campaigned to be Labour leader at an event in London. Separately, Moazzam Begg, director of CAGE - the group that described Islamic State executioner Jihadi John as a 'beautiful young man' - was heard speaking at a university to encourage students to sabotage Prevent.

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