
Fanatics' campaign of hate on campus: How Islamic zealots who called Jihadi John a 'beautiful young man' are poisoning the minds of students and claiming the West over-reacted to Paris attacks

CAGE, who backed ISIS’ Jihadi John, are poisoning the minds of students
CAGE - the group that provoked horror after calling the Islamic State killer a 'beautiful young man' - has been involved in at least 13 student events this term. Its representatives are being given unchallenged platforms at campuses across the country. They are using them to tell young Muslims to sabotage the Government's anti-extremism policy Prevent, claiming it is an attempt by the State to spy on them. The organisation's outreach director Moazzam Begg (left) has been given extraordinary access to students - speaking without being challenged at least 11 separate occasions last term. In a series of inflammatory lectures, Mr Begg (also pictured left, in right photo, with CAGE supporter Mohammed Umar Farooq last October at Kings College London) has told impressionable young Muslims that they are being treated in a similar way to Jews under the Nazis.

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