KATIE HOPKINS: I'm totally behind asking Muslim women to learn English but asking me to pay for it is a liberty in any language

You may have got home from a long day at work yesterday to find David Cameron had agreed to spend £20million of the money you helped earn teaching Muslim women how to speak English.
In between cooking tea, picking up your youngest from swimming and your eldest from football, you may have wondered why?
Switching on the news later, you may have been even more surprised to find a massive row had broken out. Not about the things you are angry about - how you are sick of being taken for a mug in your own country, how you are fed up with filing tax returns only to see your cash fund people with not enough care for our country to teach themselves its language.

Because we are a multicultural country, we are not allowed to say we are giving free English lessons to Muslims. Especially not Muslim women. We must make it inclusive so as not to offend (file picture)
A row had broken out because the Prime Minister had dared to suggest it was Muslim women who needed help.
Because we are a multicultural country (a country obliged to tick boxes to please ill-educated gossips in HR and Idris Elba), we are not allowed to say we are giving free English lessons to 
Muslims. Especially not Muslim women.
We must make it inclusive so as not to offend. Despite the fact it is one in five Muslim women who speak little or no English.
The next time you see a family telling police they had absolutely no idea their little Mohammed or Aisha was off to join Jihadi Central, they may well be telling the truth — because they don't speak the same language as their child.
Muslim mothers are the new women of Bletchley Park. Their English speaking kids talk in a code that’s very hard to crack.
Prime Minister David Cameron (pictured at the Shantona Women's Centre in Leeds yesterday) had agreed to spend £20million of the money you helped earn teaching Muslim women how to speak English

Prime Minister David Cameron (pictured at the Shantona Women's Centre in Leeds yesterday) had agreed to spend £20million of the money you helped earn teaching Muslim women how to speak English
Labour's Naz Shah criticises PM for singling out Muslim women
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And in truth, Cameron was right to pick out Muslim women for cultural reasons, too. Their husbands often prefer their wives to be mute to the outside world. Unable to communicate, they are less likely to stray outside their allocated territory, namely the kitchen and the bedroom.
I am not allowed to say this, obviously. Because it would make me a racist. Even though religion is not a race and it would make David Cameron right, which is inconvenient for our Left-wing press.
I am just another idiot British taxpayer paying tax at the top rate in order to fund the endless list of things migrants need me to pay for to make their segregated lives easier.
And if it's not free English classes, it's translation services.
This image (above) neatly summarises the reason our GP surgeries are overwhelmed. We are not a National Health Service, but an international one.
Doctors and schools are dealing with people who don't speak our language and have no intention of learning it because we translate it free of charge.
In fact, many councils brag about the multitude of translation services on offer. Labour Tameside can have an interpreter on call within 90 seconds covering 140 different languages?
One in nine British schools has English as a second language. One in five children has English as a second language. I have emails from worried parents because the local school register reads like a roll call for a Migrant Reception Centre. They are desperate for a Tyler or a Destiny just to balance things out.

We live in a country obliged to tick boxes to please ill-educated gossips in HR and Idris Elba (pictured)
You are paying for interpreters for parents’ evenings, and bilingual teaching assistants in class.
And before you come back to me with your tired old argument that when I go to Greece on holiday the locals hardly expect me to have learned the language, I will point out that I have paid to holiday in their country and have no intention of outstaying my welcome.
If I use their hospital or medical facilities, I will pay for them via my insurance company. And if I needed a translator, my debit card would be out before my hopes were raised. I pay for my inability.
But more curious than the gulf between why I don't want to pay £20million to educate Muslim women and the odd row that erupted when Muslim women said they were being marginalised, is the signalling of intent.
Unless you learn our language, how can you hope to fit in? And if you aren't seeking to fit in, integration was never top of your agenda. In which case you aren't migrating into Britain, you are colonising it.
You are happy to live here, blagging from the public purse filled by British taxpayers without contributing your share, but have no wish to engage with British people. And that is not something we should tolerate.
If you want to be part of England, you need to integrate, just as the Polish and Indian families have done for generations.
This country may be open to migrants who want to be part of our country and our culture. But if you are closed-minded enough to believe you don't need to speak English, you will never belong.
If you ask Jeremy Corbyn nicely, he'll even help you translate this: