
Militiamen take over federal wildlife refuge in Oregon after anti-government rally to

'Bring your guns and come': Militiamen including Cliven Bundy's three sons take over Oregon federal building and call 'U.S. patriots' to arms in protest at pending imprisonment of two ranchers

Militia members claim to have as many as 150 supporters with them at the Malheur National Wildlife refuge building (bottom right) to protest the prosecution of two ranchers heading to prison on arson convictions. Occupiers said they are prepared to kill and be killed if attempts are made to remove them, and that they plan to occupy the location as long as possible. They made a call to arms, saying the location 'will become a base place for patriots from all over the country to come to be housed and live'. The occupation came shortly after a few hundred marchers paraded through Burns, Oregon, about 50 miles away, to protest at the prosecution of father and son Harney County ranchers Dwight Hammond Jr and Steven Hammond, who had served time after being convicted in 2012 of setting fires on public land to protect their property from wildfires, but were recently told their original sentences were insufficient. Occupiers included Ammon Bundy (top right), whose father, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, was involved in a standoff with the government over grazing rights in April 2014.

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