
Helping hand international

Good Morning Wealthy Partners.

H2i Membership is a onetime donation of N6,600 ($40).

After this donation, you'll be registered. You'll then have one H2i account (with inbuilt eWallet).

With this one account, you're to invite two people, who in turn will invite their two people and so on...

However, H2i allows one person to have more than one account.

If you have the capacity to invite more than two people, you can choose to go for multiple account registrations.

1 account = N6,600
3 accounts = N19,800
7 accounts = N46,200
15 accounts = N99,000

Depending on your financial capacity also, you can choose the number of accounts you wish to have with H2i.

Multiple accounts = multiple responsibilities

And multiple accounts = multiple earnings.

With 1 account, you'll have..
:1 laptop after stage two,
:1 Elantra car after stage three and
:1 Jeep after stage 4.

But With 7 accounts, you'll have..
:7 laptops after stage two,
:7 Elantra cars after stage three and
:7 Jeep after stage 4.

Similarly, with 15 accounts, every reward is in 15 places.

I always encourage my prospects to have at least 3 accounts.

It's GOOD with 1 account, BETTER with 3 accounts, BEST with 7 accounts and MORE BEST with 15 accounts.

So make your choice.

Do you know you'll earn a total of about #170,000 before you qualify for laptop?

Yes! With just ONE ACCOUNT..,

1. You'll earn $16 referral bonus
2. You'll earn $10 matrix bonus of stage one
3. You'll earn $100 matrix bonus of stage two level two.
4. You'll earn $200 matrix bonus of stage two level three
5. You'll earn $300 matrix bonus of stage two level four
6. You'll earn $400 matrix bonus of stage two level five

Now let do the math:
($16 + $10 + $100 + $200 + $300 + $400)
= $1026

Yes! With only one account, you'll earn about $1026 (#170,000) before one laptop is added to you.

Imagine how much you'd earn with 3 accounts, 7 accounts or more.

Why am I writing this?

I want to open the eyes of that someone...that prospect...who chose to wait until a partner qualify for laptop or car before he comes onboard. Why wait to see laptop when there is a good sum of money to make?

Join H2I and earn while others are earning.
Hv a blissful day...


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