
Biblical Injection

The Voice of The Day 130
This Time It Will Work 5
Proverbs 13:20 KJV
"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed."

Enthusiasm is infectious; so also is a heavy sense of foreboding. If you hang around an excited enthusiastic individual, you will catch the bug. In the same vein, if you hang around a depressive pessimist, he will wrap your dreams up in a wet blanket

Negative words are like poisoned arrows. They can bring down any man regardless of his height or brawn. You must build up your inner man to a point where it can deflect such arrows effortlessly

When you hang around failures therefore, they make you empathize with their sorrows and draw parallels with your situation. Soon enough, you will lose the enthusiasm to dare and the determination to win. You can't afford it

There is no champion who has never had to deal with the pain and disappointments of some form of failure. Stars have scars. If you don't want the scars, you can't reach the stars. If you are afraid to fail, you are condemned to fail!

You have the power to make these choices. You are all you got. Don't compromise your present. Don't mortgage your future . Friendship is by choice. Choose wisely.
For deeper understanding in the word, follow this link: http://chapelofuncommongrace.com/this-time-it-will-work-5/:
I celebrate

Pls friends send this broadcast to those you love genuinely and you shall surely be blessed. #ibelieve

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

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