
7 Attributes of Extremely Powerful People

Batman-Superman-and-Wonder-Woman-HD-WallpaperIn our world, there are tens of thousands of people whose strengths are limitless.


They walk among us everyday. The achieve great things. They are focused and they never show weakness. They motivate and inspire us.


We wonder exactly how do they do this? Without rest, without complaints, and without a second thought they push the boundaries on what we think is impossible.


Each of these powerful individuals are successful (not all success revolves around money, fame & power) in a completely unique way. However there are several core attributes which are more certainly characteristics they all possess.


Let's find out how we can be just like them.


1. They Are Strong Minded

We all know somebody who cannot be knocked down and who never let's anything get in their way. While we sometimes complain that there are just too many things not going our way, they are literally fighting the current and winning. They are seeing obstacles, not problems. They are becoming stronger with each and every apparent problem that dares to come their way, and you know what? They welcome it.


2. They Don't Feel Pain

Some of us consciously decide to give up when we think something has become too difficult for us. This kind of attitude can spill over into many other areas of our lives and while we are deciding that we can't do it, our powerful friends have already committed themselves, made a plan, and began executing it. And so I got a question, how the hell are we ever going to grow, if we just give up when the going gets tough?


3. They Live By A Code

No matter whats going on around them, powerful people do not buckle under pressure. They know their values and their beliefs are just, and so they will not let anyone sway them to make a bad decision. They know that if someone falls down and cannot pick themselves back up, that we should help them. They believe that if you are strong enough to help, then you should do just that. They will not join in the conversation, which is aimed at picking on somebody (in fact 9 out of 10 times they will stand up for that person). They do not follow. They lead.


4. They Are Focused

There are always lots of distractions in our everyday lives. We have a million and one things to do, and that's on a good day. This distracts us and we sometimes don't get as much done as we hoped. The killing thing is that we can get as many tasks as we want completed in a single day, if we can just find our own way of becoming focused. For some it's music or lighting a candle, for others it's a trip to the gym before hand or cooking your favourite meal afterwards. We all can reach levels of focus we never thought possible.


5. They Don't Care What Other People Think

Powerful people don't give a f*** about what others think. They do what they believe is right, and fully commit to it. They make things happen, instead of making sure everybody is ok with it. Bottom line is they don't care if something may be perceived as right or wrong, because if someone is judging them, they know that judgemental person would never have become a friend anyway.


"Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters." – Matthew 12:30


6. They Are Optimistic

Who doesn't like an optimistic person? The truth is that it's really difficult to actually not like a person who see's the positive side to a situation. A person who is the voice of reason no matter what, and who won't let the cards they have been dealt at any given time, determine how they feel. In fact, they don't even see it the same way that we sometime do. Powerful people don't take cards but deal them out instead, and anytime theres a problem, no matter how unlikely it is they will win, they go ahead and drop a straight flush.


7. They Don't Waste Time

Every day we have so many tasks that we want to get done. But sometimes we fall short and only complete some of our daily quota. It's normal, and it happens a lot. Thing is, failing should should not be considered normal to us. Even so, we can avoid this problem all together by simply not wasting our time in the first place. Say no more often, and get some work done!


"When you're out there partying & horsing around, someone out there at the same time is is working hard, someone is getting smarter, & someone is winning. Just remember that." – Arnold Schwarzenegger



The single mother taking care of her two kids, working a job and taking care of the house. The teenager financially supporting her parents, while going to school. The old couple struggling to pay their mortgage, but still buy their grandson those new shoes he's always wanted. We don't see these people, even though sometimes they are the strongest of all the rest.


Next time you see people like the above, stop and offer them your help.


Take 5 minutes out of your day and make theirs.


You have the power to do that in 5 minutes, and anything in the world that you can believe, you can accomplish in the remaining 23 hours & 55 minutes.


Forget the norm. Go out and work for what you deserve.

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