Heartbreaking pictures show terminally ill father-of-six, 64, tying the knot from his hospital bed after his health went rapidly downhill

Heartbreaking: Christopher Gunner, 64, and his wife Kathleen, 62, planned a wedding in 24 hours so they could get married before it was too late
  • Christopher Gunner was diagnosed with lung cancer in April 2015
  • Was due to marry partner Kathleen in April 2016 but fell ill in January
  • Doctors warned family to expect the worst and bring nuptials forward
  • Pair married in hospital in an impromptu ceremony planned in 24 hours
As his new wife leans towards him, Christopher Gunner forgets the world around him as seals his nuptials with a kiss.
These pictures show the the heartbreaking moment he married his partner of eight years from his hospital bed.
Mr Gunner, 64, was diagnosed with lung cancer in April 2015, and this weekend he was rushed with hospital after his condition deteriorated.
The father-of-six had planned to marry Kathleen, 62, in a big ceremony in April this year - but the couple swiftly cancelled their bookings and planned an impromptu wedding in 24 hours.

Heartbreaking: Christopher Gunner, 64, and his wife Kathleen, 62, planned a wedding in 24 hours so they could get married before it was too late
Happy day: Mr Gunner was due to get married in April this year, but after being diagnosed with lung cancer in April 2015, his health rapidly deteriorated and he was rushed to hospital last weekend

Happy day: Mr Gunner was due to get married in April this year, but after being diagnosed with lung cancer in April 2015, his health rapidly deteriorated and he was rushed to hospital last weekend
This week, more than 30 people crammed into his tiny room at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford, to watch the pair tie the knot.
Fulfilling his wish, Mr Gunner said the occasion was a 'lovely day to remember'.
'We both wanted to get married but we kept putting it off because of other family celebrations,' said Mrs Gunner, who has two children from a previous relationship.
'We had finally set the date in April this year and had booked the hotel and sorted out all of the rings.
'But when Christopher was admitted to hospital at the weekend we were advised that we might want to bring it forward.
'We were given the okay for the ceremony on the Tuesday morning and our families and the hospital staff worked tirelessly to make it happen on Wednesday afternoon.
'We are very grateful to all the Royal Surrey staff, they have been absolutely fantastic.' 
We were given the okay for the ceremony on the Tuesday morning and our families and the hospital staff worked tirelessly to make it happen on Wednesday afternoon. 
Kathleen Gunner, 62 
The couple met through their respective families as Mr Gunner's brother is married to Kathleen's sister and got together eight years ago.
By the time of his diagnosis, Mr Gunner had already booked a hotel for the ceremony and purchased their rings. 
However, on January 2 this year, he was admitted to the hospital's Onslow Ward.
Doctors warned his chances of recovery were slim and advised the couple to bring forward the date of their nuptials.
Initially, staff feared Mr Gunner would not be well enough for a ceremony to take place, but on January 5 plans swung into action after his condition improved.
With little over 24 hours to pull everything together, hospital staff helped the couple's family make arrangements for the big day.
The Fountain Centre, an independent charity based in Royal Surrey for cancer patients, offered the use of one of their rooms for the ceremony and the party that followed. 
Celebration: More than 30 people crammed into his tiny room at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford, to watch what the pair tie the knot 

Celebration: More than 30 people crammed into his tiny room at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford, to watch what the pair tie the knot 
Hope: Mr and Mrs Gunner are now fundraising for donations to the hospital's charitable fund

Hope: Mr and Mrs Gunner are now fundraising for donations to the hospital's charitable fund
Victoria Mumford, lead oncology nurse, said it was a 'privilege' for the staff on Onslow Ward to help Christopher and Kathleen organise their special day.
She added: 'Christopher was unable to leave the hospital, so we bought the wedding to him. We send our congratulations and good wishes to the newlyweds.'
Mr and Mrs Gunner are now fundraising for donations to the hospital's charitable fund. 
Samantha Gibbons, a spokesperson for the hospital said: 'Christopher and Kathleen tied the knot in a tear jerking ceremony in front of 30 close family and friends at the Trust on Wednesday.
'Although the venue was not the one the couple had expected to marry in, they described the day as "perfect",' she said.