
Shipwrecked Britons reveal amazing story of how they survived 11 hours in shark-infested water after sleeping captain allowed catamaran to crash into a reef five miles off the Panamanian coast

Shipwrecked Britons survive 11 hours off the Panamanian coast in shark-infested water
Emma and Peter Tryon were asleep on the catamaran Nacar I when it was sailing approximately three to five miles off the Panamanian coast when it struck a reef and began taking on water. the couple, originally from Yorkshire, thought they were going to die after the crew lost the life boat and the water reached waist height. Luckily, the stricken vessel settled on the reef and the 12 passengers, four crew and the captain's four cats had to wait 11 hours for rescue, when they were spotted by Kuna Indian Fisherman. The couple, arrived back in London yesterday, wearing whatever clothes they could scavenge after losing everything in the ship wreck.

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